What if there was nothing anything like sound??

Can you imagine your life without sound. Let’s experience how a deaf person feels. Well, basically sound is produced by the vibrations, which have ability to travel through air or other medium. And when it reaches to our ears, we feel it as sound. Now, what if these vibrations couldn’t have this ability??

Some Hindu mythologists believe that the origin of universe came into existence due to the sound of God. And that sound is ‘OM’. Some scientists too believes that the Big Bang too produced the sound. So can we believe, without sound even the universe couldn’t be possible. Not us, not anyone.

Or let’s take it to another way. Imagine everyone in the world is deaf now and universe is now what we know. Taking deafness in the context imagine how the current situation can be. Firstly scientists can never find out why these round organs are attached to our head. What purpose they actually fulfill. The mouth will be just for eating and breathing. No Voice recognitions. A lot of different science projects have been possible due to sound only. Satellites catches sound waves and tell us about space. Sound Navigation and Ranging(SONAR). The technique based on sound propagation used to navigate, communicate or detect objects under or on the surface of the water using sound propagation could never be possible.

Now let’s come to language. There may be more established written languages. Or just one language which will be universal. Yes, their will be no pronunciations but will be in Signs and symbols. And offcourse no curse words which means no disputes, no fights.

The entertainment industry would be different as compare to now. Probably actors like Charlie Chaplin, Rowan Atkinson, will be greatest of all. The era would probably be known as the Chaplin era. And another thing, no music. I can’t imagine, how could I survive without listening Ed Sheeran. No humming, no beats, no lyrics. It will be impossible for me.

Can you imagine the parties there. Wait a minute will there be Dance?? Can you listen your inner voice?? Will their be mobile phones?? Their’s a lot of questions comes to my mind, and I’m sure your thinking too. Everything would not be bad, there will be no noise. Means no pollution. That’s what good will be.

Let me tell you something that you can relate to. In winter nights when even fans are off and no clock ticking sound in your room. You must have faced a headache and it feels like air is filled in your ears. This is because of silence. Just the fact came to my mind.

It goes on dark and deeper. Their are limitless possibilities. Maybe this all is happening somewhere in the parallel universe on a strange alien planet. Who knows..!! Tell me your thoughts on it. Like if you find it interesting. Do follow for more crazy content.

Thank you

Dreamjob, literally

Basically Dream job is meant to be a job, which you wish you could have.

But may somewhere in the future it’s defination might change. We have already studied the Quarantine theory of dreams in my previous post. And we know brain still works when we are in sleep. But it does not perform an important task apart it just keep us entertained through series of images and feelings.

So the idea is to give it some work to do, Dreams can be really a good place to start with. Which would really mean something. We know dreams are 6 times slower than the real world. Hence we got a lot of time. The basic structure is to build a device which can probably can give access to other people’s dreams. And offcourse the second thing to do is to somehow alter these dreams. So, we can control our own dreamy Avatar.

Everything is at place now. Imagine you wake up in the future, nearly around 2067 and found a lot of difference. The word Dreamjob, literally means what it depicts. People are employed and work in dreams. Scientific R&Ds are done here. Everyone’s sleeping at their own home and there Avatar plays the role in a place called ‘Dreamland’. It would be more awesome than ‘ Tomorrowland’ It’s just like the old PUBG game or Spelenberg’s movie Ready player one.

Where the player controls it Avatar. Difference is minor, that these places are 360°. Now, if you get what I am talking about, you probably also know it’s advantages too.

First of all, it’s a time saver because the time in dreams work slower. Secondly it will put our brain to work at it’s full efficiency, atleast now. The possibilities in Dreamland will be limitless. What if I tell you that the biggest skyscraper in 2067 would be in Dreamland. All it would be a great experience.

This Idea can be put too in a storyline. The imagination is limitless, and I would definitely like to visit Dreamland for atleast once in my lifetime. Tell me would you like it too??

Hope you like this too. Follow for more crazy content. The next blog will probably the craziest.


The Twisted Memory Dilemma

Memories are the ability to remember things. But have ever thought about the situation these can put you in. Offcourse a lot of science-fictions may have played with these, but a simple crazy idea can bend these way more far.

Let me tell you a story of a boy named ‘Akhil’. He was around 14yrs. He was an orphan. Things with him are not good. The people raising him are bad as hell. They force Akhil to beg . Put him in a drug gang. He was filled with anger and rage. Blaming God for all of this.

One day, due to this aggression he killed some of the bad people with his knife and run as fast as he can. The remaining men tried to catch him but he made it to the city. And later next day a kind couple found him on the road.

They don’t have any other kid. So,they take him to their home and adopted him legally and raised him like he was the missing peace to their heart. And now it’s been almost 5 years since that incident and suddenly something happens.

Akhil was with his family one night coming back to home after a dinner outside. And the remaining ones from the same drug gang found him and killed his parents with gunshots in their head. Once again he was filled with rage. He ran and tried his best to kill them. But suddenly his head was hitted by a tree and he immediately fainted there.

When he opens his eyes he found himself in the hospital and he faces a complete memory loss. He don’t even remember who he was. This was not the twist but what happens next was.The people raised him this time were the same those who killed his parents. Due to memory loss he was connected so emotionally with them and the people too started loving him.

But this was not the situation here. It’s been another 5 years since Akhil’s memory loss. And here comes another twist. Akhil remember everything these people has done with him and his parents. And now it’s a delimma wheather to kill them because of his parents or accept them as they raised him. Cause he loved them too. It’s a memory collision. But this time again, even before Akhil can decide the right thing, those people were killed by some other guy, and coincidencely he again lost his memory.

And guess what would have been happen next. Taking this to next level, Akhil was again raised and loved by the same people killed his previous parents. Let’s be it another 5 years. Akhil remembered everything. Three memories collide with each other. Here’s a bigger delemma. Now Akhil has to decide wheather to kill these people because they killed his previous parents or thank them for killing the killers of his first parents.

Don’t take it offensive, but would you do If you were on his place. Would you rather kill or thank. Tell it in comments. I don’t have any idea how human psychology will react on this. If you know please tell it too.

This is just an overview of an crazy idea, if put in a storyline with a proper emotional weight can be more crazier than you thought. Now some people will compare it to split personality disorder and Nolan’s momento. But these are completely different concepts. It’s about colliding the memories.

Hope you like it. Share this with your friends and family. Follow for more crazy content.


Why do we Dream??

The Science behind Dreams: The quarantine theory

According to Oxford Dictionary, Dreams are a series of images and feelings occurring in the mind during sleep.

To study dreams first we need to understand the concept of ‘Isolation’. It is a state of being separate and alone from the rest of the world.

Take this to next level, Now it means sperated from things that keep mind busy too. It means no books, no WiFi, no mobile or laptops, even no time keeping devices.

The Human psychology says spending only 3 daysin such room can cause a brain damage.

Michael Stevens an American educator performs the experiment as a proof. He locked himself in a room, an isolation chamber for 3 days, And clearly the effects of isolation can be seen on him. Here’s the link to the complete experiment…


It shows brain’s working is seriously affected being quarantined.

So, the theory for Dreams is connected. It means our brain too feel alone when we are in sleep. We know brain doesn’t rest but the body do, that’s why we need a sleep. And in this stage brain is completely isolated seeing nothing but black everywhere. The effects of isolation can harm brain too.

So, to protect itself from these harmful effects it creates a fake world, a series of images and feelings. And we know that world as Dreams.

But here’s a catch in that. Theirs a lot of difference in 3 days and about 8 hours (Human sleep time).

And now we are coming to movies. Inception is called on of the biggest Science fiction of all time. And it tells a lot about dreams. Nolan tells 5 minutes in the real time is equal to an half-hour of dream time.

So if we take this in the context of 8 hours of sleep. It gives us 1440 hours of dream time. And now it becomes important to stop the isolation effect.. so these images keeps our brain entertained.

The conclusion provides a new definition to Dreams that they are nothing but fake visuals created by brain to protect itself from damage.

This is just an crazy idea supported by Michael and Nolan. I just found a connection.

This is my beginners blog and I hope you will spare my mistakes. If you find it interesting do follow me and share it with yours knowns. I assure you to provide crazy Content on a regular basis.

Comment how it works for you, do you find any limitation?? Tell them too.. If have any another Baffle Idea share it too.. Your feedback helps a lot no matter whether it is positive or negative.


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